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Monkersolver Preflop solution pack for 8Max 10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60bb,80bb and 100bb MTT


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Preflop solution pack for 15,20,30,40,60bb,80bb and 100bb MTT – All 8 players active in every sim!

Sizings solved for

8-max 100bb 2.5x open, 3.5x 3bet ip+ callers, 4.5x 3bet oop+callers, IP 4bet 2.3x, OOP 4Bet 2.75x. SB vs BB 3.2x, BB 9.2bb, SB 4bet 23.7bb. SB call, BB 3.5x, SB 3.4x (12), BB 2.3x (27.5).

8-max 80bb 12.5% Ante: 2.5x open, 7.75bb 3bet, 10bb Squeeze, 20bb 4Bet. 22.5bb 4bet vs 3bet Squeeze. SB 9.5bb 3bet, BB 10.5bb 3bet. SB Call, BB 3.5bb ISO, SB 3bet 12bb, BB 4bet 24bb or All in. SB 3.2bb RFI, BB 9.2bb, SB 23bb or All in 4bet

8-max 60bb 12.5% Ante: 2.3x open, 3x 3bet IP +callers, 3.5x +callers SB 3bet, 4x+ callers BB 3bet. CC 3bets IP. Calls from each position, overcalls from CO. 4Bet 2.2 IP, 2.5 OOP. SB 3.2BB, BB 9.2bb, SB 18.2 or All in. SB Call, BB 3.5bb, SB 12bb or All in.

8-max 50bb 12.5% Ante: 2.3bb open, 3BET: 3x IP + callers, 4x OOP, OOP Squeeze 4.5x, IP 4bet 14bb or All in, OOP 4Bet 14.5bb or All in. SB vs BB 3.2bb, BB 8.8bb, SB 4bet All in. SB call, BB 3.5x, SB 11.5bb or All in.

8-max 40bb 12.5% Ante: 2.3x open, 3x 3bet IP +callers, 3.5x +callers SB 3bet, 4x+ callers BB 3bet. CC 3bets IP. Calls from each position, overcalls from CO. SB 3.2bb, BB 9.2bb, SB All in. SB Limp, BB 3.5bb, SB 3bet 11.5bb or All in.

8-max 30bb 12.5% Ante: 2.3bb, 3x 3bet IP, 3.5x from SB, 4x BB, Squeeze 3.5x IP, 4x SB, 4.3x bb. BTN limp

8-max 25bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, 2x Open, 2.8x ISO IP, 3.5x ISO OOP, 3x 3bet IP, 3.5x OOP.

8-max 20bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, min raise, all in open. 2.8x/all in iso sizing IP, 3.5/all in OOP, calls from BTN. 3bet, 4bet all in.

8-max 15bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, min raise, all in open. 2.8x/all in iso sizing IP, 3.5/all in OOP, calls from BTN. 3bet, 4bet all in.

8max 10bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, 2x open, 2.5x iso IP vs LP limp, 2.8x OOP, All in 3bet.

3 Courses 75$ !

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